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Canadian Academy of Natural Health


On Your Graduation Day

Dear Graduates,

It is always my pleasure to be in the presence enthusiastic people with open minds and hearts. I was thinking of what my messages to you could be, you, who already acquired so much knowledge during your studies and are ready to embrace your new career – the science of nutrition.

These are my messages to you: You know a lot; however, do not believe that you know everything. Nobody does. The science of nutrition is always moving forward. Be open to adopting new knowledge. Look for evidence. Hardly a week goes by when we are not told of the benefits of some foods. The information is often controversial. Not all the research is evidence-based. Be critical and selective. Work in a team with other health professionals. Share your knowledge and concerns with them.

Let the main ethical principles, beneficence, and non-maleficence to guide you through your practice. Your goal is to act to the best interest of your patients. As nutritionists you will work with people and for people. Your mission is to improve human health with nutrition.  You will face obstacles do not be discouraged. Dear Graduates, l wish you from the bottom of my heart, long and rewarding careers in the science of nutrition.                              

 --  Dr. Jasmina Novakovic

Dear Graduates,

We congratulate you for your accomplishments and achievements. We believe that now is the season to explore the fascinating world of nutrition and to finally make your dream as nutrition advisors a reality. From now on, your great mission starts, a mission to raise public awareness about foods and nutrition. The fact that the human body is very intricate and beautiful in its complex delicacy makes your career difficult and challenging but fulfilling one.Nutrition is a three-dimensional career, incorporating knowledge, experience, and process.

 Although the knowledge and experience may be shared with other careers, the nutrition process is unique. At the center of this process is the relationship between you and your clients. In the dimension of this process, you function as a member of a health care system. We congratulate you for choosing a three-dimensional field.We believe that you can integrate your passion for the field of nutrition and your problem-solving abilities into a public-service  framework.Undoubtedly, one of the most rewarding aspects of your career would be building relationships and making a difference in the lives of others through the changes you would apply in their nutrition. We believe that now is the season for you to tackle your true goal of practicing nutrition, a field that encompasses all ages, both genders, each organ system and every disease entity. We strongly believe that your intensive training course has mentally prepared you to excel at any endeavor you put your minds to. Your compassion and commitment to the field will drive you through the years to come. Looking forward to your future, you know that the time has finally come for you to realize your dreams of a career in nutrition.


-- Dr. Abaza Habibinia

I am a past graduate of CANHealth. My health challenge motivated me to seek alternative therapy for a solution. When CANhealth came on stream, I opted to get myself better educated to take care of my health, and to also help others. Now I serve the Canadian Association of NutriHealth Education as Board of Director. I have also founded the Women’s Creative Club International (WCCI).

Many people are dying in the world today because of the lack of knowledge of what they’re eating and drinking. As a result of my training in natural nutrition, I have become so health conscious that I can’t eat or drink anything without knowing the nutritional value it’s adding to my health, and I encourage my family, friends, and others around me to do the same.


I now know how to read and understand food labels and their nutritional facts; foods & nutrients, and supplements that can heal common diseases and deliver optimal health. I’m happy for the knowledge I’ve gained that has improved my health. Through our women’s organization, I’m now advancing and promoting nutritional health discussions among women and girls in the communities, developing health-related programs, like baking, and advising emerging chefs & bakers to add nutritional facts to their recipes.

It’s my desire to bring natural nutritional health knowledge, principles, and philosophy to other individuals and professions. All these milestones are because of my attending CANhealth a couple of years ago. I see a natural health revolution going on in the world today and natural nutrition is leading, which shows a great opportunity. To the new graduates, I say a big congratulation! You’re at the right place at the right time. Go and live healthier, do it right and you’ll get the right results. To our guests, I explore you to join in the natural nutritional health living, and you’ll be happy changing and saving lives.


--Christiana Mbazigwe

Graduates, you successfully completed your education and will become skilled and caring Nutrition specialists. Congratulations! From CANhealth, you have enhanced your awareness of the relationship between nutrition and health, you have known health and wellness can be achieved through natural pathway, you have learned how to utilize the nutritional knowledge to help people to prevent disease and to maintain public health, you have learned how to work in teams, lead teams and focus on a common goal. We believe that with your loving heart, your outstanding effort, your wisdom, you will do your great job on public health.

As the nutritional specialists, we should provide the education that can help people prevent, cope with, and beat cancer through diet, lifestyle, and other immune-boosting approaches. Reducing the risk of certain cancers may be possible through dietary and other lifestyle changes.

The relationship between nutrition and cancer involves many issues. Nutritional factors and many cancers are likely to be related in complex ways both beneficial and harmful. Some foods contain carcinogens; contaminated food can cause cancers; improper nutrition can cause cancers; lack of nutrition is one of the factors of cancers; high-salt diet may be related to stomach cancers; low-fiber diet is another important cause of colon cancers; excessive nutrition is another factor in cancer incidence. Everyone eats and everyone is affected by cancer. Proper food selection is imperative for better health and to avoid cancer and other diseases. Nutrients either contribute directly to cancer prevention or support the repair of the damage caused by toxins, free radicals, radiation, and infectious agents.  

We believe most cancers can be eliminated through nutritional and lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, most people don't know it. When we see some people are suffering from cancer, when we heard someone died from cancer, when we find doctors can do nothing for some cancers, we should know what our responsibility is and what we should to do. Concerned about personal health is a virtue, caring public health is merit and take nutrition specialist as a career is great. Start with ourselves, start from now, do our best to help people in need.  

Think how gratifying it will be to know that you are making a positive impact on the lives of individuals with cancer and their families in future!

--Dr. Rongwen Li

As we know, the world has been in a tough time since the global pandemic of COVIDd-19. In addition to its impact on public health, the pandemic had already caused massive dislocation among small businesses and triggers a wave of long-term unemployment. Who can protect us in facing Covid-19? Vaccine? Medicine? Money? Power? No. IT IS IMMUNITY. How to improve our immunity? The answer is NUTRITION. That’s why our CANH is thriving in the hard time.

Twelve years ago, my father suffered from a significant ischemic stroke. Although he was finally out of danger, the recover was so difficult that the doctor took a pessimistic view about his future. In the next two years, he was struggling with the various complications of stroke. Fortunately, I came to The Toronto University to do the research work as a postdoctoral in 2013 and in this city, I got to know Dr. Guan and her Canadian Academy of Natural Health and the functional medicine.

 I never thought that the meeting with Dr. Guan would change my life. With her advise, I put my father on a nutrition plan to assist his rehabilitate treatment. Three months later, all his examination index went back to normal, and his health condition was stabilized. After so many years of medical training and practice, I began to see the nutrition with fresh eyes. Along with the theoretical breakthrough development of nutraceutical process, the modern nutriology will share on an equal footing with other medical subjects. Functional nutrients could be considered as an alternative treatment to resolve the difficult healthy problems.

While teaching at CANHealth, I have also started the systemic study of modern nutriology. My 12-year-old daughter is my first patient. She has persistent constipation at age two due to the physiological reasons. During the past 10 years, I tried everything to relieve her symptoms but failed. With what I learnt modern nutriology, I developed a nutrition plan for her stubborn disease step by step for three years. THIS TIME I SUCCEEDED. Now my daughter maintains defecate unobstructed everyday and is no longer tortures on the constipation.                  

My experience indicates that the functional nutrient with high quality is the foundation for health solution. The scientific application of functional nutrients should be used in proper proportions collocation step by step. The effect of nutrition plan needs to be used regularly with time, sometimes up to years for treating chronical health issues, in addition, nutrition formula and plan must be adjusted individually and timely. The guidance from professional nutritionist is very important in the whole process of treatment.

Where can you get a professional nutritionist? During the past three years teaching at CANHealth, I was impressed by the quality of the training programs and the quality of the students. Our students are elites from all walks of life with proactive and inclusive thinking. They have the courage to explore the new knowledge and to challenge to status quo of traditional medicine. CANHealth does not only give our students healthy choices, but also lead a promising career with greater wealth return as professional entrepreneurs.

-- Dr. Lei Ren

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