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Canadian Academy of Natural Health


My mind is now opened to the reality where we control what happens to our health.  My personal journey started when I met an earlier graduate who showed me by changing my diet, I could heal myself of my digestive issues without needing medication.  When I saw what nutrition did for me and my family, I wanted to learn more. That is when I decided to study nutrition to help others. This nutrition program has provided us with knowledge on how our body uses nutrients, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease. This program has shown me that only 20% of what happens to our health is genetic, the rest of the 80% is a result of what we eat and the lifestyle we live. So, we can only blame our parents for 20% of our health problems.

The program opened my mind to a reality where we control what happens to our health.  We can now help our clients by educating them and helping them to heal through natural means.  By learning what causes disease and how we can prevent it, we are now able to take a proactive approach to health. This is especially crucial because of the high prevalence of chronic illnesses in the world. Nowadays, the illnesses of the elderly such as cholesterol, arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes are now seen in young adults. 

As per research knowing that one in three people will have cancer in their lifetime is a scary prospect.  By taking care of our health through nutrition, we are hoping to reduce the occurrences of these chronic diseases. Prevention is better than cure especially now. 

We are all on a mission to help one person at a time and make a difference in people’s lives. Congratulations to all my fellow Registered Nutritional Health Specialists. I wish you all success on this new mission we are embarking on. 

-- Mary from 2020 Class

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